Arisu-kun Commission

Thank you for viewing my website. Hello, I'm Arisu-kun from Indonesia open commission for rigging live2d, design, and video editor. If you have anyone question or interested, feel free to ask me

Status : Open



Term of Service


1. Rig prices can go up depending on the level of difficulty.
2. Once the project reaches 50% of the rig, you have to pay 50% down payment.
3. I'm sorry there is no refund after the payment is made and start the project, if I can't finish, I will do a refund.
4. If you allow, I will use your commission for to fill my portfolio.
5. After finishing working on the rig and paying 100%, I will send you the .cmo3 file.
6. Paypal tax are shouldered by client.
7. Processing time can be 3 days - 2 weeks depending on the queue
8. I request your help to give credit as Arisu-kun

How to Order


1. Please dm me first
2. Send me the .PSD model via the link (google drive/etc)
3. Make sure the .PSD is cropped and ready to rig.
4. Send me which rig category, body size, and other additions. For example :
- Size: full body
- Add: hand rig
- Other : angry animation
5. If you want to keep your model a secret until your debut, let me know.
6. For payments outside Indonesia you can use Paypal, if you are in Indonesia you can pay using BNI and ShoppePay.
7. If you want to wait even though the slot is already filled, I'll add it to the waiting list and wait for the slot to become available

Price List


Tier 1 = 300K / 40 USD
eyeball xy
Angle z
Eye open
Simple physic
Body z
Free Expression (2)
Tier 2 = 500K / 60 USD
Eyeball xy
Angle xz
Standart physic
Eye open
Body xz
Simple physics cloth
Free Expression (3)
Tier 3 = 900K / 80 USD
Eyeball xy
Eye open
Eye smile
Physics eye
Angle xyz
Body xyz
Standart cloth physic
Mouth aiueo
Browl form
Detail physics
Free Expression (5)
Tier 4 = 1300K / 100 USD
Eyeball xy
Eye open
Eye smile
Physics eye
Physics eye line
Angle xyz
Body xyz
step foot
Leg YZ
Detail physics cloth
Mouth aiueo
Browl form
Browl angle
Browl xy
Detail physic final xyz
Mouth aiueo
Free expression
Expression = +10K/+3 USD
Outfit = +50K/+7 USD
Outfit toogle off = +5K+ USD
Tongue = +15K/+2 USD
Add Hand/Arm = +30K/ +3 USD
Weapon on/off = +25K /+2 USD
Idle Animation = +50K - 100K/+ 7 USD - 10 USD


